Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Guess what? Preview time!

Hello, hello. I'm giving away 3 sample chapters of my new book 'There's Something About You' at this link right here.

And guess what else? My kind publishers at HarperCollins are giving away loads and loads of books to winners each week. I'm told there's over a 100 books to be won for the folks who preview. That is a LOT of books.

So check it out now at this link. And let me know what you think, hey? Write to me at yashodhara dot lal at gmail dot com.


  1. Hey Yashodhara
    The link doesnt seem to be working now.
    Do check it out

  2. It's a refreshing read. Enjoyed the preview immensely.


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?