
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Book Updates

1. ''Just Married, Please Excuse'' still doing decently, with some nice reviews coming its way. It's a really tough market for new authors, given how many others there are, but I'm hanging in there. In the meantime, your reviews, sharing on FB and general recommendation of the book matters a great deal. So please, if you've read and liked, do try telling other people about it?

A few reviews I don't think I've linked to before:

La Femme Nirvana

2. ''The Story of Sid'' - working title, of course. Fiction novel's almost-final draft is now done. May give it a quick read before sending off again to Harpers people. Here's a picture I love. My grandma's almost finished reading it. Also, we're looking for name suggestions. It's about this guy ''Sid'' who's trying to figure his way through life, a bad marriage, while trying to figure himself out. Please don't suggest 'Wake up Sid'. Ok?

3. Still Married, Thank You - sequel to JMPE. As mentioned before, Editors want to give it a year between books. If the Sid story comes out Aug 2013, then Still Married, Thank You will be in mid-2014. Therefore, that's too far away for me to write now and therefore, it's on hold. So as mentioned in 1. above - just please help spread the word about Just Married, Please Excuse to people who you think will enjoy it! That'll keep me motivated enough to keep writing!

Thanks guys. You're a big support. Really. Need all of that, and really appreciate your active help. 


  1. Dear Y,

    I really liked your book Just Married ....."
    I am eagerly waiting for your next ....
    Your writing is so real it seems while reading that we are reading our story..

    Saurabh Sharma

  2. Thanks so much, Saurabh. As I said in the post, anything you can do to review/share on FB/recommend will be great!

  3. Flowers, wine and chocolates make perfect 'hostess gifts' but so do books. JMPE is a book that can be gifted to anyone and will definitely be appreciated.
    Looking forward to your next book.

  4. Loved your book. Didn't review it though since everyone I know has read it already. Will spread the word though and yes.. Meenakshi's so right. It's a good gift option.

  5. Sidistic Pleasures

    Sadda Sid


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?