
Friday, June 8, 2012

List of Firsts: Week 1

We're off to a slow start, but it's really been what I needed. To slow down

Anyway, here's a list of little first-time things I've done in the last 7-odd days:     

1. My first diet ever: Will do a post about that, but has resulted in a 1.5 kg loss. 
2. I took my neighbor out for the first time. For Anti-social me, that's a definite first. 
3. Had a whole week without looking at work emails, because Blackberry conked off. 
4. Went to Blackberry center for the first time ever and was absolutely appalled by the service. 
5. Took the metro to Delhi for the first time - (gasp) - yes, have only travelled within Gurgaon before. Sue me.
6. Randomly wrote to one of my favorite authors Ashok Banker for the first time.
7. Almost had heart attack when he replied saying he really liked my writing on my book website.
8. Launched my first ever book website solely through nephew and friend's hard work.
9. Tried out Tumblr for the first time ever
10. Organized my children's toy cupboard. 
11. Tried and failed to enjoy the Big Bang Theory
12. Watched and thoroughly enjoyed the ridiculous acting in a serial with some Khushi character that my grandmother was watching
13. Ordered and was united with my book soulmate the Palace of Illusions
14. Compiled (ing) the list of books I plan to read. 
15. Found a wonderful editor in my sister who read the next piece I've written and gave me loads of feedback which means I have to change lots of things around it. 
16. Ordered Cosmetics online for the first time ever. 
17. Started collecting all the bills and had another minor heart attack at the amount we spend in a week.
18. Tried to find out about Guitar classes and Dance classes in Gurgaon. Still not finalized anything so far, so suggestions are welcome. 



  1. Go for Zumba....I love it, it is so much fun and a great workout..

  2. Zumbaaaa! What a great idea Bhavani! I'm totally going to do it! Thank you!

  3. Made the mistake of reading the 2 sample chapters of your book in the airport. People must now think I'm crazy because I was laughing out loud! Can't wait for the rest of the book.

  4. I don't believe it! It is THE great Broom! You don't know how much I love your writing :-)...grin, grin...thanks!!

  5. Coming from you that's a great compliment. Thanks!


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?