
Saturday, June 5, 2010

So Giddily Happy.

...that's me being sarcastic. Again.
And by the way, as for those who really believe 'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit' - it's probably just that they don't have the gift. And I challenge them to tell me about a higher form of wit than sarcasm. Go on!
Anyway, I'm giddily happy because I think I've cracked almost all possible pregnancy problems between my two pregnancies:

* Acidity and heartburn - check
* Breathlessness - of course
* Backaches - yes indeedy-do
* Bleeding Gums - got 'em
* Blurred Vision - whassat..? can't see...
* Bustline increase - well, everything's's like 20 kilos, people!
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - just developing it. Can't blog much!
* Clumsiness - can I blame it on the pregnancy? oooh...
* Complexion changes - yes sir! Freckles as never before happening
* Depression - err...well...why not, I say!
* Fainting and Dizziness - Dizziness, I got. Fainting, I got not.
* Fatigue - absolutely. In fact, I can't possibly go on right to the end of the alphabet, I got upto only F!

Here's a promise from me to me. No more whining about how fat/uncomfortable/pregnant I am for the next few weeks. Just focussing on the positive side of life. Positivity. Spiritual self-healing. Meditative thoughts shared.

I guess I'll be back after 6 weeks or so then. See ya!


  1. As much as it looks and sounds bad, trust me I know it is so much simpler to go thru the entire term.

    You pickle, papad can do it, Go Girl!Sending good vibes your way.

  2. As much as it looks and sounds bad, trust me I know it is so much simpler to go thru the entire term.

    You pickle, papad can do it, Go Girl!Sending good vibes your way.

  3. Oops!! Ha ha..

    Good luck. :-)

    Will wait for the awesome news!

  4. Hang in there Y! All the best for a safe delivery and hope P&P are here soon :)
    p.s. and you're right about the chumps who believe that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit- they just DON'T have it in 'em nyaah nyaah

  5. leave the spiritual self healing to the martians, meanwhile let the sarcasm roll off your tongue liberally. it will warm your heart and keep you in good spirits. and us readers too!

    take care Y.

  6. * burning desire to whack all living beings with nearest solid - check?

  7. looking forward to hear from you soon:)

  8. Hi CB! Good wishes to you.....take care of your health...would be waiting for you to write back....


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?