
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blah blah blah...

My brother's wife, V is down from England, with their new little baby - two month old Nikki. We went over to see them last week, and Peanut's reaction to her was strange. She spent the first hour completely ignoring her - and then suddenly seemed to notice that she was not just another toy, but a real little person - the first littler person than her that she has closely encountered. She then kept touching her face (closely supervised by me), and then squealing extremely loudly right in the poor little one's ear. She also looked really, really huge compared to the baby.

My baby's the bigger one now. Wow!

V asked me a question later, saying 'So I read on your blog that you do yoga - do you really do it, or was that just a blog thing?'. I was a little taken aback and told her that I really do it - I thought of adding that not a single thing on my blog is untrue, but since she had asked the question very nonchalantly, probably isn't into blogs in general, and didn't mean anything by it, it seemed pointless.

But it did set me thinking. Nothing I write on my blog is a lie - at best, there may be some exaggeration to make a funny story funnier - but apart from that, there aren't any untruths of any sort.

However, and this must be true of all sorts of blogs, if not each and every blog - there are many things I choose not to write about, which if you did know might give you a very different idea of who I am and where I come from. Would that be lying by omission? No, that's pushing it, of course. You write what you write about, and you don't write what you don't want to write about. And what don't I write about?

* I don't write much about my younger days, especially school.
* I don't write about my father or how I feel about his passing.
* I don't write about my work, or the people there.
* I don't write much about my closer relationships, friends or family.
* I don't write about what I really feel about other blogs, and bloggers.
* I don't write anything about any social issues or events that affect me.
* And in case you think I write only about my baby - let me tell you I don't write one hundredth of the stuff that I could write. Or a millionth of what I feel.

So what do I write about? Geez, I better run over the last couple of hundred posts and figure it out. Suddenly, there doesn't seem to be anything worth saying. It all looks so frivolous!

Is this a phase? Or was the prolific blogging a phase?



  1. Hmm. quite the blogger evolution. But I really loved the earlier posts- Vichit episode, the photo essay on your hubby, the doc visits and of course, all the Peanut stories.
    Lately though, the posts are sounding more like hasty updates which don't quite measure up to the previous ones. The point is-all the posts were light-hearted true episodes which you expressed in a really great way.
    I hope you continue to write that way- whether it's here or through a book/column-whatever comes naturally! Keep writing :)

  2. Ha ha. QQ. One of my first blogger friends. How well you have followed the 'evolution'. But that's just it, see - you say my posts are now 'hasty updates that don't measure up to the previous ones'. Ha ha ha.

    I think I was blogging more consciously that time because it was the first time in years I was writing again ( after stints as editor in school and college mags, etc). Needed to 'open up' my writing, and that's what I did over the last couple of hundred posts. I think I don't need that anymore - to know that I can write stuff people can enjoy. Plus, I really don't have time anymore and therefore it's not much of a priority anymore, thus attempts to just keep the blog alive :-). And that, frankly is more to just stay in touch with some people I'm quite fond of in this space.

    Finally, and while it's not that important, too many people I want to write about, actually read this blog now!

    But guess what? I'm pretty darn happy this way :-)! And yes, the book will happen sometime in the future(with everybody's names changed to protect their identities)

    Of course, I might treat the blog differently were YOU GUYS PAYING ME! HUH? HUH?

    Either way, this comment is longer and more heartfelt than my posts nowadays! Heee!

    But thanks for your comment, I needed that to know what the hell I was talking about!

  3. :)

    I get a similar but different reaction. That is, if I've blogged it, the version I blog must be the only truth there can possibly be. So if I tell a story differently later, ppl look at me accusingly!

  4. :)

    oh well, the husband says he realises we had a lot more fun that he though when he reads my posts! :p

    i guess most of us write what we wanna write about honestly! even i dont dabble into social issues and do that bit by commenting on blogs that do!

    i LOVE your blog! the peanut updates and Vijay's lines! occassional driver and gym instructor thrown in! :p

    and i can imagine Peanut's surprise! Cubby actually calls kids just a little smaller than him Chottu Baby! as if he is an old uncle! :p



  5. Been missing you a lot! Would love to read lots more about your life, the Peanut, the Vijay and the assorted cast of characters that people your life. As far as blogging goes, do just as much as you are comfortable with, and what you are comfortable with. You write well, about anything! And we are all free to disclose as much or little as we chose to. Tons of love,Y and family:)

  6. i guess thats just common response, or maybe they are pretentious, thats why they think others are..

    BPO work from home

  7. Aww... I do hope you would start writing about other blogs and how you feel about them @#$% bloggers. Now that would bring the zest back into Blogosphere, would it not?

    Tee hee!!

    PS: Yup, Cubby is now so big that he points to his own photo at age 0.9 and says: "Chhotoo Babeeee"


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?