
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Off to Work

Friday morning, and I am bleary eyed at 8.00 a.m. - having been up every two hours to feed Peanut, as usual.

Vijay is as fresh as a daisy (strangely enough, this phrase has some of its zing since I met his secretary, Daisy), and all dressed up to go to work.

I try out the phrase that, I'm told, I used in early childhood when it was time to go to school 'Aaj to Thathurday hai?'

Vijay looks wistful and says 'Nahin...Friday hai'. We have a quick breakfast together and he dashes off, worrying about being late.

At 10 a.m., I get a call from him 'Aaj to badi bewakoofi ho gayi'.

It appears that he reached office, and noticed it was completely empty - except the solitary security guard who informed him 'Saab, aaj to chhutti hai'.

Yes, he drove all the way across the streets of Mumbai, for over an hour, only to discover that office is shut because it is Eid today.

He is now on his way back. Eid Mubarak!

Yayy! Aaj to Thathurday hai!


  1. Poor Vijay. Imagine having to deal with both you and peanut.

    Speaking of poor chaps, Sri Lanka's latest bowler is called: Uda Walawwe Mahim Bandaralage Chanaka Asanka Welegedara. I mean what were his parents thinking??? "Yes, Uda Mahim Chanaka Asanka Welegedara is also a very good name, but it seems to be missing something. Maybe we can add a Walawwe and possibly even a Bandaralage"

    It almost makes me grateful for being called Ganju.

  2. It happens to the best of us! Mubarak for the rest of the Eid:)

  3. Happy Thathurday(s)... and Happy Thunday thoo :)

  4. Happy thwee-day weekend! :)

    you guys are too cute.

    @Ganju: Remember "Karoor vaikuntha subramanium ramanathan pillai" in the passport forms?

  5. Oh yeah! Eid mubarak :D And like so many before me have said - Happy Thaturday and Happy Thunday. While we are at it, wish you a very Merry Thrismass too :)

    Sometimes I do wonder how poor Vijay puts up with you and then I remember poor you put up with Vijay too :D

  6. By the way - ON A COMPLETELY different note - your home must be so cheerful with you and Vijay both going at each other with your witty barbs :D Peanut is one lucky child :)

  7. suki: i have absolutely no clue who or what "Karoor vaikuntha subramanium ramanathan pillai". what passport form? where? where where where did this name come from. where i ask, where?

    sorry - most confused. but i'm always confused.

  8. LOL! yeah, eid mubarak & merry x'mas and... oh ok! happy holidays! :)
    do let us know what santa got for peanut! :)

  9. Ganju: I often notice you leave comments completely unrelated to the post. However, this time round you have surpassed yourself. Well done.

    Dipali, Stuti, Suki: Indeed, it is a sunny, beautiful lazy weekend. Happy weekend to you guys too!

    CeeKay: Merry Thrismass to you - and have a happy new year!

    Sue: Indeed!

    Rayshma: Yes, to you too :-)

  10. hehee..funny post and even funnier comments.. :P

  11. duh duh: ooh, i'm so excited - such a long response. all right fine. i shall try and leaving deep insightful comments 'hencetoforth'. Is hencetoforth a word? it really should be.

    suki: it was a serious question. who/ what was that?

  12. LOL!

    can sort of relate to this as we have landed up early/late several times by not remembering that the clocks have moved ahead/behind - the entire 1 hr adition/deletion that happens to save daylight hours (still cant get around to figuring out why they cannot leave it the way it is!).

  13. hahaha
    Merry Christmas.
    Whats Santa getting for Peanut?

  14. Ganju, Karoor Vaikuntha Subramanium Ramanathan Pillai is the name they put in the passport form to teach you what to do if your name/surname is too long for the boxed space they provide there, LOL.

    I thought I might need it, stuck with a Sukhaloka Sinha Mukherjee at the time. Turns out there ARE names much, much longer than that!
    Y, sorry to be using your space like a chatroom. Hey, why don't you put in a shoutbox?

  15. Suki: HAHAHAHA - surely you're making that up. I don't remember coming across Karoor Vaikuntha Subramanium Ramanathan Pillai in any passport form. Incidentally if you don't like your name you could always change it to Karoor Vaikuntha Subramanium Ramanathan Pillai. If nothing else, at least you'll know how to fill it in on the passport form.

    Did you ever apply to SP Jain? I remember that the SP Jain form had about a hundred little boxes in two lines for "Name". Karoor Vaikuntha Subramanium Ramanathan Pillai would have been happy to apply to SP Jain.


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?